Friday, December 1, 2017

We're Back! December Playlist

This past year has been a whirlwind of changes, and responsibilities, and overall business. Maggie, Molly, and I lost touch with the blog due to so much going on, but recently we have gotten the urge to come back to it, and better than ever. We are super excited to put out new, exciting content, and to post different things than we were posting before.

To kick off our return, we have a December Playlist! A compilation of our favs as of recent. Check it out while you're studying for finals or chilling at home during winter break! Look out for more from us, coming soon :) 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Summer Colors

It has been quite a while since the doofykooks put any content out there... we all have been caught up in a million other things and located in various places, so we've lost touch with the blog. But summer always makes us want to get back to it, especially since we are all in Saint Louis, reunited again. Color is what we're into right now. Bright, eccentric, wonderful pops of color. It makes a statement and its fun to play around with. And found in the middle of no where practically, is this quirky little park with oddly shaped colorful domes that were the perfect place for our first shoot of the summer. More to come soon :)




Tuesday, April 4, 2017

tuesdays snoozedays

sometimes... rainy tuesdays need to be spent in your pajamas, curled up in a blanket, painting, and dancing around without a care in the world. snoozedays:) 


Monday, April 3, 2017

skin is the new canvas

When you have one nice day in Ithaca, you have to take advantage of it. It's been a longggg winter here, but when the weather hits fifty degrees, everyone comes out of hibernation and takes in the beauty that is upstate New York. Having run out of canvas to paint on, Maggie and I painted ourselves...her, a fun, whimsical design, and me, a cute little friend on my shoulder. Definitely made the most of this beautiful day.

Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea

On January 10th, 2018 I attended a concert for a very talented band, Tennis.  I decided to go alone. The definition of alone is “having no ...